Ace Avetmiss CONNECT: integrate any system
Why should I be delighted to learn about Ace AVETMISS CONNECT?
Why On-Cloud is better?
Looking for an AVETMISS 7 reporting tool that complements your existing business systems, rather than forcing you to replace all the systems? Well, Ace AVETMISS is the answer to all your needs! The Ace AVETMISS CONNECT opens a world of advanced integration options which allows you to program an automatic data communication between your in-house ad-hoc systems and Ace AVETMISS server.
Ace AVETMISS CONNECT can help if :
- Existing training data is huge? Need a better & automated way to IMPORT huge size existing data into Ace AVETMISS? You are in luck! Import to Ace AVETMISS from any system, save time, effort and reduce chances of human error.
- Ongoing training data should auto-magically show up in Ace AVETMISS? Looking to truly CONNECT & integrate Ace AVETMISS with any in-house ad-hoc system? Smart thinking, imagine the amount of time & effort you will save on an ongoing basis, and avoid any chances of human error.
- You have data management needs that can’t be satisfied manually.
- Need to create quick dashboards in Excel over your training data? Here is your next ‘WOW’ moment, Fetch your Ace AVETMISS data in Excel and use sorting, filtering etc to create quick dashboards you need. Now that’s called cutting edge technology.
Usage Examples
RTO#1 has an internet facing website integrated with Ace AVETMISS using CONNECT. When a user creates an account on their website, data is automatically pushed to Ace AVETMISS and a client record is created. When the client starts a course, a Client Enrolment record is created in Ace AVETMISS.
RTO#2 has an internal in-house student management system (SMS), with no built-in AVETMISS support. They enhanced their existing SMS by connecting it to Ace AVETMISS using CONNECT. When the RTO staff punches in data in the in-house SMS, relevant records are automatically created in Ace AVETMISS.
RTO#3 had huge existing data which was an unfeasible task if they had to manually punch in data into Ace AVETMISS. Their developer wrote a small program to read data from their existing system and import into Ace AVETMISS using CONNECT.
Are you an RTO Business User?
You would like to know What can you achieve using Ace AVETMISS CONNECT, in plain English
- Ace AVETMISS is an OData producer, which is a web-service that exposes its data using the OData protocol. What is OData (Open Data) Protocol? Read more>
- Integrate your business systems in real-time with Ace AVETMISS to completely remove manual effort.
- Consume Ace AVETMISS data in applications like Excel, Drupal, Joomla, DotNetNuke, and myriad of other 3rd party applications.
- Get your system developer to help you on ‘how to CONNECT‘
Are you a System Developer?
You would like to know How to use Ace AVETMISS CONNECT to integrate your system with Ace AVETMISS.
- Bulk Import existing training data into Ace AVETMISS, from any where, any platform.
- CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations can be performed remotely (on your account data only)
- Operating system and programming language agnostic. Uses common web protocols, conventions and technology
- Ideal for development and testing with many free tools available (command line tools like powershell, Excel etc) Read more>
- Ace AVETMISS offers sandbox environment to test your code.
- Need more details and guidance? Contact us to get started.